Activities in Svolvaer & Lofoten

Lofoten offers unforgettable nature experiences. Here we have collected our best tips for activities during your stay with us! 

Experience the northern lights
with XXLofoten

Rib-safari with XXLofoten 

Kayaking  with XXLofoten

Guided kayaking with XXLofoten

Surfing, Unstad 

Guided hike  Svolvaergoat with Northern Alpine Guides

Sea eagle-safari with XXLofoten

Brewery tour, Lofotpils

World championship in cod fishing

Høllafæst, Svolvaer (fesival)

Kubafestivalen, Svolvaer (festival)

Trollfjord Cruise with Brim Explorer

Pre-Christmas in Henningsvaer

Lofotr Vikingmuseum, Borge

Snowshoeing with LofotenAktiv

See cultureprogram 

Horsebackriding, Hov Hestegård

See cinemaprogram

Winterkayaking with XXLofoten

Mountain trip: Ryten, Kvalvika

Mountain trip: Reinebringen 

Mountain trip: Fløya/Djevelporten,

Mountain trip: Tjeldbergtinden, Svolvaer

Mountain trip: Festvågtind,